Something for you also
Are you ready?
Published on October 14, 2006 By Mithun Pal In Windows XP

The final release of Internet Explorer 7 is fast approaching … and I mean really fast … probably on October 18th … and will be delivered to customers via Automatic Updates starting November 1st, a few weeks after it’s available for download.  Are your Web sites, extensions, and applications ready? Microsoft recommends that Web sites and applications be reviewed and made ready for the release of Internet Explorer 7 this month. Microsoft encourages all Windows XP users to download the new version to explore the browsing experience in Windows Vista and take advantage of the new security features that will help protect them against malicious software and phishing attacks. Windows Media Player 11 will be available via free download beginning October 24 and will enable users to take advantage of an elegant and intuitive user interface, a new level of online store integration, especially with MTV’s URGE service, and improved navigation for larger music libraries.

Help ensure your Web sites, extensions, and applications are compatible with Internet Explorer 7 by testing Internet Explorer 7 today and utilizing the following resources and tools to help you identify and resolve any compatibility issues:


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 19, 2006
Had to uninstall and reinstall but it is working now... the first tab always tries to connect to something even though I made my homepage Metacrawler. Now it pops up as a seconcd tab but the first comes up everytime and tells me I am not connected to the internet. I seem to be getting around the internet just fine even though MS thinks I am not connected. I'll play around some more... and try to keep my Opera bias at bay.
on Oct 24, 2006
Now it is working just fine and goes to my hompage when launched,
on Nov 01, 2006
Well, nothing good to say... I cannot use microsoft's own site to update my Windows. Also, it replaced my 32-bi IE. When I uninstalled IE7 I had to download IE6 again to run the 32-bit version.

Overall? ... back to Opera for me and my organization.
on Nov 04, 2006

WMP 11 has already been released. Hope you have already downloaded it. If not, download now. Here are the links:

[links they bypass the MS'd be better to go to the MS site for correct access....Admin]

on Nov 04, 2006
At my last check IE7 was not compatible with Norton Internet security

Running IE7 and Norton together on my laptop and they seem to work fine, along with Trend Micro anti-spam.
on Nov 06, 2006
I wouldn't recommend using WMP 11. It has been rumored that it so much DRM crap in it that it's pathetic. I'll give it a try and see if the rumors are at all true. Most likely just FUD from the Anti-MS camp.
on Nov 06, 2006
It has been rumored that it so much DRM crap in it that it's pathetic

Thanks for the heads-up. Was just about to DL it for this system!  
Won't put it on the main box then. DRM p____s me off as much as anything these days. Nasty stuff. Ashamed to say my laptop is a S__Y...    
on Nov 06, 2006
Hey guys,
I don't mind trying out IE7... but I shall always be loyal to Opera, despite the fact that it doesn't support ActiveX...

[i dun have genuine windows... ] can anyone gimme a validation bypassed link... like the ones blocked above...? shall be grateful... [make sure its encrypted or sumthin... lol...]

Holla Back...
on Nov 06, 2006
The links above were removed because they bypassed authentication.  Admitting you don't have a "geniune" copy of Windows, and asking for direct links for software is not looked upon highly here.

on Nov 06, 2006
Well I tried out WMP 11. It seems to work as well as 10 except it sucks down alot more memory. I like the black skin. I didn't try it out with many different codecs just MP3 files. I couldn't do much more testing because of the amount of memory it takes to run that bloatware. Maybe when I get more RAM I'll give it another try. I haven't figured out if all the DRM crap is there but it seems to want to call home alot. I'll stick to WMP 10 for now thanks. by the way if anyone needs info about the DRM crap they have put into WMP 11 look around the net. Plenty to read. Apparently Vista has a crapload of DRM built in as well. Enough of it for me to say no anyhow. Well that and the price. Long story short - MS is shooting themselves in the foot.
on Nov 06, 2006
I agree. It's going to be interesting to see how MS fares in the next couple of years. Going the way of Sony? I've got a VAIO to put beta-ware and IE7 and Vista RCx on. It gets reformatted regularly. The main box doesn't get that stuff near it.
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