Something for you also
The new engine is called Carakan
Published on February 10, 2009 By Himangshu In Personal Computing

Opera is working on a new Javascript engine named Carakan (pronounced Tsharakan) for their browser.
Google launched their Chrome web browser with a super fast V8 Javascript Engine.
Mozilla is working on TraceMonkey for the Firefox web browser.
Apple has their SquirrelFish engine which is used in Safari.
Now, Opera has announced that they are working on a new generation Javascript engine named Carakan.


on Feb 10, 2009

you repeated yourself about opera, just to note.

Hmm, I haven't really followed the different javascript engines.   I'm a java programmer, but I usually avoid javascript like the plague.  I wonder what that means for certain javascript based web applications.  I know I've encountered some that don't run in tracemonkey, but do in V8.