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Published on July 23, 2007 By Mithun Pal In Internet
Join ORKUT community

Do you have a profile at ORKUT? Then you are most welcome to our community - "I'm from Wincustomize"- a community exclusively for Wincustomize community members.
So, can I expect you there?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 24, 2007
No search engine, Thread title could have been something like

If your are a member at ORKUT join us at our WC community there.

Thanks for the suggestion. The title has been changed. Is this ok?
on Jul 24, 2007
on Jul 24, 2007
Okay, now that we have maybe cleared things up a little, would you care to let the folks here know just what your community is all about? I don't have an ORKUT account so I wonder if you are willing to talk to me.  

Here's a question for you, can you search your database to see who is a subscriber/member of WinCustomize?   
on Jul 24, 2007
Well I see all that much hasn't changed. I direct all those who basically attacked Himangshu to this post Facebook Book Post.

Now tell me what the hell the difference is between what Zoomba Posted (on the front page WC news mind you) and what Himangshu posted is? Please, I'm dying in anticipation to see how everyone can justify treating a so called "community member" like this. Why didn't anyone treat Zoomba as they did Himangshu? He posted the exact same thing, but only to a different site. Is it because Orkut isn't as popular as Facebook in the States? Is it because Zoomba is a WC administrator and a Stardock Employee who was also backed by two other Stardock employees in his post?

It really is sad to see several respected community members and a WC moderator basically attacking and intimidating another community member when all that member was attempting to do was to create a little more community unity. Creating a WC community on Orkut isn't bad. I'm actually surprised someone from Stardock wasn't here supporting Himangshu, as a WC community on Orkut is a potential media to introduce those who have not yet been introduced to Windows Customization. I for one can't stand to see this happen to a seasoned community member. This isn't some person who just signed up yesterday, this is a seasoned vet (Member since 2004, Apprentice).

To apprentice Kittymalone: Next time maybe take a deep breath hold it for a bit and contemplate what exactly someone was trying to do before deliberately creating a flame war. Oh and All Social Networking Sites are potential dating sites...even Facebook.

Orkut about page
on Jul 24, 2007
Okay, now that we have maybe cleared things up a little, would you care to let the folks here know just what your community is all about? I don't have an ORKUT account so I wonder if you are willing to talk to me

It's just like any other community. There is a forum to discuss. You can start any poll there. This community is only for WC members and so all the discussion and poll would be on WC or OS customization.

Here's a question for you, can you search your database to see who is a subscriber/member of WinCustomize?

The community is owned by me. Until I get enough evidence of being a WC member of an ORKUTian, I won't allow him to join.
on Jul 24, 2007
Is it because Orkut isn't as popular as Facebook in the States?

I also think so.

All Social Networking Sites are potential dating sites

You are absolutely right.

Thanks for your reply.
on Jul 24, 2007
If your are a member at ORKUT join us at our WC community there.

Uh...seems to me that they would "already" know about a WC Community if they were already a member at Orkut...doesn't it? So this would seem to be actually recruiting more members...not asking current members to join you there.

And I think the point everyone is trying to make is...why would we go there since we are already in here...where the discussions have been going on for quite some time now. We already have a Community of WC members.

I think the problem was in your wording. The was no real explanation of what Orkut was/is and I personally never click on offsite links unless I have better knowledge of what they are...its nothing personal.
on Jul 24, 2007
Creating a WC community on Orkut isn't bad.

In theory no, but eventually we may/will end up an all such sites, good and bad (sites).

Now tell me what the hell the difference is between what Zoomba Posted (on the front page WC news mind you) and what Himangshu posted is? Please, I'm dying in anticipation to see how everyone can justify treating a so called "community member" like this. Why didn't anyone treat Zoomba as they did Himangshu?

That was set up by Stardock, anyone can join not just WC members.

In Himangshu's own words (posted after you posted)

The community is owned by me. Until I get enough evidence of being a WC member of an ORKUTian, I won't allow him to join.

I have heard of facebook, never heard of orkut until this thread, if I wanted to join Himangshu's community, I would have to prove/show I am a WC member. Thanks but no.
on Jul 24, 2007

If people want to establish other skinning communities outside our virtual walls, all the more power to them.  The more places we talk about skinning and UI customization, the better.  There's nothing wrong with expanding to Orkut, or MySpace or any other place.  There was no need to jump on Himangshu for what he tried to do.

However Himangshu, making the group on Orkut exclusive, not letting people in unless you explicitly know they're from here is against the nature of what we want skinning to be.  You made an exclusive group that only people you choose can join.  In this way, you aren't expanding the community, you're not helping it grow, you're trying to make an exclusive enclave.  Because it's exclusive, it rubs people the wrong way.  If you opened up the group to anyone who wanted to join, things would be taken a lot better.

Also, if it's a group exclusive to Orkut members who are already on WinCustomize, what will it offer that WC itself does not provide?

on Jul 24, 2007
Uh...seems to me that they would "already" know about a WC Community if they were already a member at Orkut...doesn't it? So this would seem to be actually recruiting more members...not asking current members to join you there.

That's my head ace to allow only the members of WC.

And I think the point everyone is trying to make is...why would we go there since we are already in here...where the discussions have been going on for quite some time now. We already have a Community of WC members.

Really don't know why. Don't know why people like - Black Xero, Haptork, mak2cool is joining my community.

I think the problem was in your wording.

What should be right wording?

The was no real explanation of what Orkut was/is

Don't know any thing about ORKUT? Then why are you taking so much interest in this matter? Just ignore it.

I personally never click on offsite links unless I have better knowledge of what they are...its nothing personal

That's very good. I also don't do so.

on Jul 24, 2007
There's nothing wrong with expanding to Orkut, or MySpace or any other place.

Thanks for your comments.

not letting people in unless you explicitly know they're from here is against the nature of what we want skinning to be.

Thanks for your advice also. I would keep it in my mind.
on Jul 24, 2007
Don't know any thing about ORKUT? Then why are you taking so much interest in this matter? Just ignore it.

Hey Himangshu, no offense, but it is statements like this that are rubbing people the wrong way.

It implies that even though we are WC members, who are not familiar with ORKUT, so not members there, we are not welcome. Implies we have to already be a member at ORKUT to join your community.
on Jul 25, 2007
Sorry, if I've heart someone.
Every WC member is welcome there. But, to join you obviously need an ORKUT account.
Those who don't know about ORKUT, please read -
on Jul 25, 2007
I think most of the people here are confused about orkut.

Orkut is a social networking site by Google. It is popular in Brazil and India mainly.
In India most of the people use it to get connected with old frieds.

Here is some info directly from orkut for you all--
orkut is a community of friends and trusted acquaintances that connects
individuals through a social network that grows person by person.

With orkut, you can catch up with old friends, make new acquaintances
through people you trust, and maybe even find that certain someone
you've been looking for everywhere.

orkut helps you organize and attend events, join communities that share
your interests, and find partners to participate in the activities you
most enjoy.
on Jul 25, 2007
That's my head ace to allow only the members of WC

No thanks then...I already have WC for discussions.

Don't know any thing about ORKUT? Then why are you taking so much interest in this matter? Just ignore it. its not ok to have an interest in or question what Orkut actually is. Ok...with this kind of attitude Orkut...or whatever it nothing I'd be interested in then...consider it forgotten.
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