Something for you also
We are waiting for you
Published on July 23, 2007 By Mithun Pal In Internet
Join ORKUT community

Do you have a profile at ORKUT? Then you are most welcome to our community - "I'm from Wincustomize"- a community exclusively for Wincustomize community members.
So, can I expect you there?

Comments (Page 1)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Jul 23, 2007
Orkut is a 'dating site' this is really spam from a can.   I never trusted meat that came out of a can........  
on Jul 23, 2007
I never trust milk myself.. always ALWAYS smell it first.   
on Jul 23, 2007
I never trust milk myself.. always ALWAYS smell it first.   

For those of us that can't smell we have to taste...chunky milk=bad!

Here's the true exclusive community for Wincustomize Members
on Jul 23, 2007
uhm, why should we be 'exclusive' , again?
on Jul 23, 2007
and besides that I thought the forums and IRC were for the Wincustomize community to interact
on Jul 23, 2007
Whilst you may have had the best intentions, Himangshu ....It's unlikely people will go offsite to hang with people who are already 'onsite'. {e.g. - as Skinhit say's, they can already interact with each other here}
on Jul 23, 2007
For those of us that can't smell

poor smilley
on Jul 24, 2007
Do you have an ORKUT account?
If not, this article is not for you.

I never trusted meat that came out of a can........

I never trust milk myself..

...chunky milk=bad!

why should we be 'exclusive' , again?

and besides that I thought

poor smilley

As none of you are from ORKUT, you people need not to write any comment here.
This article is only for that WC community member who has an ORKUT profile also.
on Jul 24, 2007
WinCustomize is where WinCustomize people are.
on Jul 24, 2007
WinCustomize is where WinCustomize people are.

Do you have any ORKUT profile?
on Jul 24, 2007
Do you have an ORKUT account?
If not, this article is not for you.

As none of you are from ORKUT, you people need not to write any comment here.
This article is only for that WC community member who has an ORKUT profile also.

Himangshu, If you only wanted people who have an ORKUT account to respond you should have posted where you knew you had a captive audience. If you were looking to increase you "membership" this is not the way to do it, that is unless you really are trying to make an "exclusive community".           
on Jul 24, 2007
Himangshu, If you only wanted people who have an ORKUT account to respond you should have posted where you knew you had a captive audience. If you were looking to increase you "membership" this is not the way to do it, that is unless you really are trying to make an "exclusive community"

I know what I'm doing. You need not to worry about it. In my community I already have members from WC. Black Xero is there, Haptork is there, mak2cool is there. So, I wrote this article here for those WC members who are at ORKUT to inform them that there is a community for them, as it's not possible to search all WC members at ORKUT.
on Jul 24, 2007
Do you have an ORKUT account?
If not, this article is not for you.

As none of you are from ORKUT, you people need not to write any comment here.
This article is only for that WC community member who has an ORKUT profile also.

Do you have any ORKUT profile?

Thread title
A community exclusively for Wincustomize community members

Sub title
Please join

Implies join ORKUT.

a community exclusively for Wincustomize community members.

The link you have here links to WC, we know where we are.

Even your first line
Do you have a profile at ORKUT?

Again implies you want people to join ORKUT.

If you had gone about it the other way, looking for others that have already joined ORKUT, then invite them to join your community at ORKUT, things may have been smoother on this thread.

on Jul 24, 2007
If you had gone about it the other way, looking for others that have already joined ORKUT, then invite them to join your community at ORKUT, things may have been smoother on this thread.

Please tell me the procedure to find out the people who are both at WC and ORKUT. Which search engine can help me?
on Jul 24, 2007
Which search engine can help me?

No search engine, Thread title could have been something like

If your are a member at ORKUT join us at our WC community there.

This would have attracted those already at ORKUT to the thread.
Most times for a thread title it is all in the wording.
3 Pages1 2 3