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Fireworks + CS2 = CS3?
Published on September 4, 2005 By Mithun Pal In Personal Computing
According to Think Secret, Adobe is exploring offering two versions of Photoshop CS3, a Standard version and a Premium version. According to one plan under consideration, some principle new features, such as Camera Raw 4, would be available to both versions, while other functionality, such as Vanishing Point 2, would be available with more advanced options in the Premium version. Still other features, such as rotoscoping that was introduced in CS2, would be moved exclusively to the Premium package.

But, one question arises why they are releasing another version so soon. Is CS3 = Fireworks + CS2?

on Sep 04, 2005
I just got would have to be pretty amazing fireworkds to get me to pay for a new version so soon.
on Sep 04, 2005
The CS2 package was just released on April 29, normally Adobe do a 18 month product cycle. Seem's rather extreme to do this.
on Sep 05, 2005
it would have to be pretty amazing fireworkds to get me to pay for a new version so soon.

Really unexpected.

normally Adobe do a 18 month product cycle. Seem's rather extreme to do this.

I think this is due to Macromedia Fireworks.
I think CS3 = Fireworks + CS2.
But, probably they don't have any thing to do with Flash & Dreamweaver.
on Sep 07, 2005
Or, they are telling you about something they will do when they release CS3. As far as I know no release date was stated. But I personally don't like the 2 version idea, just stick with one version.

(Same with DesktopX, it has always bugged me. Until I got my own copy of DX Pro, that is. But it still bugs me a bit.)
on Sep 09, 2005
Untitled DocumentNow I think
CS3 ≠ Fireworks + CS2.

Macromedia has already announced the release of the new version of fireworks (version 8).